Friday, July 27, 2012

Barbie Wannabe

It starts off sounding like a joke: “Did you ever hear the one about the lady that wanted to look like Barbie so much that she . . . (insert punch line here).”  Except it’s not a joke.  A 51 year old England resident, Sarah Burge calls herself a “Human Barbie” and has spent nearly a million dollars for reconstructive surgery in an effort to be a splitting image of Mattel’s infamous doll.

Sounds like an attempt to get in the Guinness Book of World Records for “most elective surgeries” if you ask me!  But I digress . . .

After 2011's headline-grabber of Sarah teaching her seven year old daughter, Poppy, how to pole dance; her plastic surgery addiction has put her in the spotlight again. And this time it puts Poppy on center stage.   Most little girls enjoy getting gifts like stuffed animals, dolls, and maybe a bike; but gift-giving at the Burge household is a little less typical.  For her birthday, Poppy received a gift certificate, and it wasn’t for a trip to Build-A-Bear.  The little girl (remember, age seven) received a coupon for breast enlargement surgery on her 16th birthday.  Christmas was no different!  For that festive holiday, Poppy received yet another gift certificate, this one for liposuction, to redeem on her 16th birthday as well.  For the record, elective surgeries are legal once you are 16 years of age in the U.K.

How do you think Poppy felt about this?  Well, she has been quoted by a London newspaper saying, “I can't wait to be like mummy with big boobs. They're pretty."  Poppy has said that she is pleased about the gift certificates given to her because they may be useful if she “looks weird or something.” 

This isn’t about getting in shape or getting a new haircut, which can often make a person feel more confident or happy with herself. It appears that this is about a young girl who is being groomed for a life full of plastic surgery to fix anything that is less than “perfect.” 

So, the question arises: Is Sarah inadvertently teaching Poppy that she is not good enough or that she will never be (or should never be) happy with herself?  

One can’t help but wonder what kind of positive physical and emotional support Sarah currently gives to Poppy when Poppy is being encouraged to use cosmetic surgery at such a young age. Is this a form of child abuse?  Many parents are left outraged, feeling that little girls should be able to enjoy their youth and not be pushed into growing up sooner than necessary. These types of parents definitely don’t agree with Sarah’s choices.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far

Sarah herself was seven years old herself the first time she had plastic surgery, having her ears pinned back because they “stuck out too much.”  Sarah’s mother gave her a “gift” of cosmetic surgery when she was young, and it’s possible Sarah feels that since it was bestowed upon her, then it’s good enough for her daughter too.  Maybe she wishes for her daughter to be just like her as well. 

Sarah’s been quoted as saying, "I'm just supporting her to make her dreams come true. There shouldn't be a stigma around wanting to look good."  But is she sending her daughter down an impossible road in search of superficial and impossible perfection? With all of this attention based on achieving physical excellence, has anyone given any thought to the risk of botched surgeries?  Whatever happened to being a natural beauty and being taught to love yourself as you are?

By Kristen Lee Curtis
Originally published at

Thursday, July 26, 2012

HypnoBirthing - A Natural Alternative to Pain-Free Childbirth?

Does the thought of natural childbirth frighten you?  Would you prefer not to take any medications that could affect you or your soon-to-be-born baby?  If you would like to experience childbirth in its fullest, but don’t wish experience the pain, HypnoBirthing may just be the answer for you!

What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is a relatively modern method of child birthing which interlaces self-hypnosis, visualization, and breathing.  The program itself is fairly uncomplicated and simple.  It focuses on preparing new mothers for a calm and peaceful birthing experience.  HypnoBirthing helps instill trust in letting your body and baby do what happens naturally.

The History of HypnoBirthing

To Marie Mongan, a young New Hampshire English teacher, childbirth did not have to be a sterile birthing experience filled with drugs that knocked you out nor an excruciating experience with painful contractions and pushing . . . the seemingly only two choices for most of history. She explains, "Most women were totally anesthetized and out cold, and their babies were taken from them with forceps; except for the very few who didn't make it to the hospital and had them by the side of the road."

Not at all pleased with how childbirth was handled, Marie devised her own method to avoid the “system” by practicing a form of self-hypnosis which helped her to relax and imagine a calm and painless birth.  What had initially given her this idea was when she witnessed a cat giving birth to its kittens.  When a dog interrupted the cat’s birthing process, the cat’s labor ceased and the mother cat took her kittens away to a quieter place to resume the labor. 

"I always believed that it didn't make sense that it [labor] had to be painful," Mongan said. "It's a physiological law that all muscles in the body work unless there is something wrong. What could be wrong with procreation of the species?"  Her self-hypnosis method is now a registered trademark and women are currently practicing her technique in 34 countries across the globe.

How It Works

HypnoBirthing begins by taking away the negativity associated with childbirth.  For example, instead of labor pains or contractions, they’re called “surges.” When the actual birthing begins, it’s not referred to as pain, but rather pressure.   By removing the fear associated with pain, it opens the door to a much calmer experience.

A regular contributor on such networks as CNBC, Bravo, and Fox, Nancy B. Irwin, PsyD, C.Ht., Psychotherapy/Clinical Hypnosis and noted speaker and author offers this:  “Most of the other animals in the animal kingdom need no assistance in birth. It is an instinctive, natural act for the female to deliver offspring.  Of course, a percentage dies in the process, but for the most part only humans have focused on this small percentage of loss, exaggerated it, and learned how to 'freak out' about this natural process.”

She continues, “The good news is that the fear of childbirth was learned. And whatever has been learned, can be unlearned.  Hypnosis can restore a woman to her natural default setting . . . and focus on listening to her body cues to deliver safely and naturally, minimizing the pain, and [focusing] on the miracle of birth and the magic of a baby.  There is nothing more powerful than human thought. Indeed, the ‘negative mass hypnosis’ of childbirth is exactly what causes the distress. In therapeutic hypnosis, we turn that around, using positive hypnosis to encourage the woman to embrace this process as a fascinating one, start to finish.”

After proper training in HypnoBirthing, you are able to reach complete relaxation.  You are awake, alert and in full control.  Pushing does not take place because it tenses the muscle; and by not pushing it allows for experiencing the birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation.  In this tranquil place, your body’s endorphins, being a natural relaxant, override the stress hormones which tighten and cause pain.  Instead, you focus on “breathing the baby down” by working with your body’s natural rhythms, much in the same way you breathe into your stretch when practicing yoga.

How Do Women Who Tried this Method Actually Feel?

“The biggest thing I took away from HypnoBirthing was the knowledge of what to look out for at the hospital. I learned about my rights as a patient and I learned how to stick up for myself.  When the nurses insisted I push the baby, I actually used the HypnoBirthing method of ‘breathing the baby down,’ which worked and she [my daughter] was delivered that night at 10:56 PM. Best moment of my life!” claims Brina Bujkovsky.

Kellie Adkins had a positive experience as well.  “I delivered my daughter using that [HypnoBirthing] technique. I loved the training and did feel the HypnoBirthing helped me have a more beautiful birth. I had a five-hour labor [and repeatedly visualized no pain which was taught during my HypnoBirthing course].  I did feel, however, that my yoga and meditation training helped me more than the HypnoBirthing did.  However, the HypnoBirthing is a great 'baby step' for moms who DON'T have any experience with yoga/meditation.”

After trying the Bradley technique for her first birth, Isra Hashmi was ready to try Hypnobirthing the second and third time around.  “My midwife at my third birth said I should be a spokesperson for HypnoBirthing; she said she's never seen anyone like me (in a good way!). I was smiling between contractions, talking and relaxed and limp even during my most powerful transition at the end of the birth.”

Alisha Worthington had used HypnoBirthing for four of her seven births and had this to share: “It made a tremendous difference in my ability to handle natural childbirth. I was able to relax and allow my body to work as it should which shortened my labor time and quickened my recovery. I also believed it made a difference in my pregnancy as well due to the number of times I ‘practiced' relaxing which improved my overall sense of well-being.”

And the Verdict?

My personal childbirth experiences happened in the typical hospital setting, suffering through the painful contractions and praying for the epidural.  Though I was fully awake with my first child, I was so numb from the waist down.  The only thing I actually experienced was the pain of the contractions and that magical moment of birth being lost.  Fortunately, when my second daughter was born the epidural was nearly worn off and I got to truly experience her birth.  Had I been wise to the HypnoBirthing experience would I have tried it?  Back then I was young and naïve and made the best choice that I could at the time.  My choice would have different had I known what I know now.

Through all the testimonials, there was not one woman who had a negative thing to say about this method.  Even the women who had complications during childbirth, all felt that the HypnoBirthing training helped make their experiences more tolerable since they knew how to remain calm and relaxed.  

So what do you think?  Does natural childbirth become a possible choice for you?

By Kristen Lee Curtis
Originally published at

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Besto Pesto for Detoxing Heavy Metals!

Cilantro and parsley are very potent herbs which can detox (or cleanse) your body of heavy metals. Treat your body with organic varieties whenever possible, especially when detoxing or cleansing. And don't hesitate to add any of your other favorite ingredients like basil or Parmesan ... have fun with it!

Try adding these flavorful herbs to juices, salads, soups and meals at least once a day for the best results!

3 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil or macadamia nuts
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup fresh cilantro (coriander)
1 cup parsley
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
big pinch of Himalayan salt


1.  Soak the seeds and nuts overnight to release the enzyme exhibitors.
2.  In a blender or food processor, chop the parsley, cilantro and olive oil.
3.  Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, Himalayan salt and lemon juice.
4.  Mix until finely blended into a paste.
5.  Store in dark glass jar and is also freezable if you choose!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Living a Natural Lifestyle in an Allopathic World

Whether it’s a personal journey towards spirituality, prevention or recovery from illness, or you simply want to “clean up” your way of living, many people are adopting a more holistic lifestyle.  While the change to a more natural lifestyle may initially seem daunting, it is not impossible.

One of the most challenging aspects, certainly, is how to handle healthcare when the world of modern medicine no longer fits into your life’s purpose.

What exactly is holistic living?

Living holistically is living a lifestyle that supports the mind, body, heart, and soul connection.  Living in this fashion can help you to achieve balance in your life; and having that balance positively influences your health, relationships, spirituality, and finances. When balance is achieved, you become happier, healthier, and find that your life has become more fulfilling.

How do you achieve “balance”?

The path to balance is wide and varied, but often includes activities such as yoga, meditation, positive thinking, affirmations, and especially changing the way you eat.

As you adopt a more natural lifestyle, you may start by avoiding pesticide- and GMO-ridden foods, opting for organic varieties instead. Your curiosity into this new “world” may lead you to explore the numerous health benefits of the foods you’re now eating. Soon you realize that eating an organic diet can actually prevent many illnesses from ever developing in the first place.

Often when choosing to live a more natural lifestyle, people become vegetarian or vegan as well. The reasons for this choice can be many and varied. Spiritualists choose it because the death energy in the animal meat can lower their personal vibration and spiritual growth.  Others choose it because they believe an animal not should be killed to be served on a plate for our consumption.  By avoiding meat in your diet, you are eliminating the growth hormones which animals such as chickens and cattle are given to become “meatier” and produce more milk.

In the most basic sense, it’s about avoiding all products and choices which you consider “poisonous” to your health, personal growth and well-being.

What does modern medicine have to do with it?

When living a more natural lifestyle, an allopathic or medicinal choice becomes a thing of the past.  Your focus is drawn to the prevention of illness rather than the treatment.  Modern medicine focuses on treating the ailment or illness by use of prescription drugs and surgery.  And this is where the challenge begins.

What do you do if you have a condition that requires a trip to the doctor?  You know in your heart that the last thing you want is for the doctor to write you a prescription (one of those pesky poisons to your system) or request an X-ray (radiation exposure), or get tossed around from doctor to doctor so they can properly “remedy” the situation.

You begin to feel like you’re a pawn in the medical version of chess. You feel trapped because if you’re fortunate enough to have health insurance, naturopathic doctors are not typically covered under most insurance plans. So, in order to be financially responsible, you may feel you’re stuck seeking traditional medical care. Seeing a naturopath will mean out-of-pocket costs for you, and let’s be honest . . . in this economy that may be hard for many to afford.

Living the holistic lifestyle myself, a situation recently arose which left me in just this predicament.  My doctor quickly grabbed her prescription pad and set me up with a slew of doctors for testing.  I was even “offered” by one doctor a medicine that would make my condition worse AND cause me pain (which I hadn’t been feeling to begin with). Finally, in a worst case scenario, they offered me a surgical option.  It left me feeling very frustrated as I tried to decide the best thing to do. 

I had originally followed the traditional route because I initially felt it was the only thing to do.  But I ending up choosing not to follow their advice or take any their prescriptions or suggestions.  What I chose to do was about it was practice meditation, use the power of intention, and positive thinking.  Instead of constantly asking myself, “Why is this happening to me?” (which focuses on the negative), I shifted gears and began focusing on healing (which is positive). And so far it’s working.

Now, of course, my choice is not for everyone. And you shouldn’t feel guilty if you need to take a step away your holistic lifestyle and seek traditional medicine. Your choices are your own and there are no rules: no right or no wrong.  It’s about taking care of yourself and doing what’s best for you and your health.

By Kristen Lee Curtis
Originally published at

Monday, July 16, 2012

Water – Happy & Healthy Drinking!

Did you know that drinking water …

… after waking up helps activate internal organs?
… 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion?
… before taking a bath/shower helps lower blood pressure?
… before going to bed avoids stroke or heart attack?
… helps you lose weight?
… relieves headaches and backaches caused by dehydration?
… can give you younger, healthier skin?
… helps you think better, be more alert, and concentrate better?
… flushes toxins out of your body?
… helps with constipation?
… prevents muscle cramps and sprains?
… relieves fatigue?
… regulates your body temperature?
… fights the flu and seasonal ailments?
… reduces this risk of cancer?

Stay hydrated and stay healthy!  

Risky & Dangerous Games that Kids Play

College students, teens and adolescents will do almost anything to get a laugh from their friends. And who can blame them?  Everybody loves a good laugh . . . right?
But sometimes this group likes to experiment with a different sort of game – one that will ultimately give them a quick “high.” Unfortunately some of those games are becoming more and more dangerous, and pose a great risk to the participants’ health.
Take a tour with us as we explore the sometimes ridiculous, sometimes dangerous games that kids play these days!

Cinnamon Challenge

The cinnamon challenge is a YouTube stunt which can be dated back to 2001, and it’s been growing in strength and popularity ever since.  To be successful at it, you must be able to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon in 60 seconds or less without drinking any water.  Spitting it out or vomiting will make you a loser.  Sounds like a fun game, doesn’t it?

Well . . .

Slamming a spoonful of cinnamon can cause brutal burning in the mouth and throat.  Swelling in the throat is also possible, which can cause choking. If the cinnamon is actually inhaled, it can cause intense chest pain.  As confirmed by my daughter, this pain was only temporary (whew!).  So while the cinnamon challenge has no reported deaths (and hopefully it stays that way), there is a risk involved, especially if you’re asthmatic or have breathing complications.  I think I’ll just stick with cinnamon on my apple pie!

Vodka Eyeballing

I’ll admit that I’ve never heard of this one, and to be honest the thought it is appalling to me.  Started in Las Vegas with waitresses performing for tips, vodka eyeballing involves pouring a shot of vodka directly into your eyeball.  The purpose is to get drunk in the “twinkle of an eye.”  Of course, there is a very serious risk involved if you pour 40% alcohol in to your eye cavity, ranging anywhere from burning the cornea to blindness.  Now there’s a health risk to look out for!


Mumblety-Peg is the infamous game of poking a pocketknife in between your fingers as fast as you can without stabbing yourself.  Another variation of this is aimed at your feet (literally).  Using a pocketknife, you throw it at your own foot while trying to get it as close as possible without wounding yourself.  The risk is pretty obvious, and the payout doesn’t really warrant the practice . . . don’t stab yourself and you win?  Since we all know it’s not safe to run with scissors, I can’t imagine intentionally throwing anything sharp and pointy at my feet!  So I’ll keep my pocketknife in my pocket, just like the name implies.

Pop Rocks & Pepsi/Mentos & Coke

Rumored to be fatal, eating Pop Rocks and drinking Pepsi was another amusement among kids back in the 1970s.  The rumors had gotten so out-of-hand that General Foods took out full-page ads to convince parents that this mixture was not deadly.  The current-day method is virtually the same, using Mentos and Coca-Cola instead.  It’s probably more dangerous to give those Mentos (or is it Alka-Seltzer?) to a seagull, but that’s another story for a different day!

Alphabet Scratch

In a friendly game of alphabet scratch, the goal is to see how much pain you can tolerate while your friend scratches the alphabet in your skin with their fingernails.  In one extreme case of this game, a girl got a bacterial infection called necrotizing fasciitis, which destroys skin and muscles.  She endured seven surgeries and amputation was even considered to keep it from spreading. And you thought cat scratches were bad!

Choking Game

Sometimes teens will play this game in an attempt to get a momentary high.  However, it is extremely dangerous and it’s difficult to believe that this risk would be worth considering to some kids.

What the kids do is choke one another with their bare hands or use some sort of noose, whether it be a scarf, a leash, a belt, etc., and tie it tightly around the neck until they pass out.  Once the pressure is released, the blood rushes back to their brain and gives them a temporary “rush.”  It is also feared that this buzz can create an addiction, which only increases the risk.  If played alone you can lose consciousness within one minute and with no one to loosen the constriction from the neck, death can occur in two to four minutes.  Besides death, other damage can range from harming the retina to brain damage.

Maybe instead of calling these “games,” they’re better off being called “challenges.”  And maybe the best way to win is to not accept the challenge in the first place!

By Kristen Lee Curtis
Originally published at

Are Campbells Soup Cans Safe from BPA?

Back in September 2011, the Campbell’s Soup brand was attracting a quite a bit of unwanted attention. A recent study claimed the company’s soup had some of the highest BPA levels out of the canned foods they tested. At the time, Campbell’s was confident that their products were safe.

But not everyone felt that way.

The rating left parents concerned, and rightfully so since many of Campbell’s products are aimed at children, like Spaghetti-O’s. 

This isn’t just a recent uproar, either. Many people feel that this toxin is very unhealthy to our bodies, and are fighting against it being used in cans and plastic. It has led scores of people to boycott cans and plastic, and choose glass bottles and containers instead.

What exactly IS BPA?

For those of you who don’t understand the controversy surrounding BPA, or bisphenol-A, let’s clarify the problem. It is a commonly-used additive in food packaging and was originally implemented in the packaging process because it prevents corrosion in canned food products. Besides increasing shelf life, BPA also helps during the sterilization process by allowing the product to withstand high heat.

The problem with BPA is that it acts like human estrogen once it’s ingested.  Health advocates claim that it’s harmful to our health, while others in the manufacturing industry insist that it is completely safe.  Originally, the FDA believed that BPA did not pose a health threat in small doses, whether it’s in cans or prepackaged foods. But they announced earlier this month their intention to reevaluate the safety of BPA in packaging, with a decision being made by March 31, 2012. (Update: The FDA rejected the ban.)

Shortly after the initial study on Campbell’s cans became public, another investigation done by the Harvard School of Public Health came out stating the negative effects of BPA in-utero.  It was found that exposure to BPA during pregnancy produced agitated, depressive, and nervous behavior in young girls. The higher the mother’s BPA levels, the more likely the girls were to display behavioral issues as toddlers.   Is it an estrogen overdose these young girls are experiencing?  Possibly.
So what made Campbell’s change their mind about using BPA-lined cans?

Campbell’s Chief Financial Officer Craig Owens stated, “We believe that current can packaging is one of the safest options in the world; however, we recognize that there is some debate over the use of BPA.”  Basically, after 140 years of service, Campbell’s did not want to lose the trust of their loyal customers.  He continued, “Because of this, we have already started using alternatives to BPA in some of our soup packaging and we are working to phase out the use of BPA in the lining of all of our canned products.”

Many of you may be thinking that Campbell’s ultimately made the changes to protect their bottom line. But, does it really matter whether their motive was to keep their customers happy or to serve a healthier product?  What matters is that due to the outcry for a safer, toxin-free product, Campbell’s listened to their customers and cleaned up their act . . . and their cans.

By Kristen Lee Curtis
Originally published at

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Holistic Healing with Sound Therapy

Sound affects us all in many unique ways. Different sounds influence us in different ways. Its effect on you can be persuasive and can easily affect your mood, health, well-being, and our life.  While pleasant sounds can help us feel bliss and happiness, negative and repulsive sounds can create sadness and sometimes even anger.

Sound therapy is a method of holistic medicine which is used worldwide to remedy illness and health conditions.  Its roots can be traced back thousands of years to Tibet, India and the Himalaya Mountains.   Tibetan monks discovered that chanting was useful in healing.  Modern day sound therapists utilize objects, like singing bowls and tuning forks, solfeggio healing tones, music, and voice to help people regain their health.

Sound therapy is based on the belief that all everything in the world has a vibration, and each particular vibration holds a different frequency.  You are considered healthy and balanced when all parts of your body produce harmonious vibration frequencies.  When frequencies are not in accord with one another, that’s when disease and poor health transpires.

Sound therapy also works with the human energy field and auras.  Each person has individual energy centers, also known as chakras, throughout their body.  There are seven main chakras and each focuses on a different part of our physical and emotional body.   It is believe that universal life energies are pulled into the body and flow through and around the entire body.  Your chakras blend with all parts of your body and each specific chakra creates a separate vibration frequency, color and sound. 

When your energy flow is moving smoothly and effortlessly, your aura becomes bright and brilliantly shines with all the colors of the rainbow.  When there is imbalance in your energy field, the colors are dull and muted.  These muted colors are a warning signal that your body is suffering from some sort of health ailment.

One of the ways to help your energy flow function more smoothly is through sound therapy.  It can help remove the blockage and recovery from illness can take place.  Often, sound therapists use corresponding sound frequencies to interact with the energy frequencies to rebalance the body’s energy and bring it back into alignment.

Emotional and mental issues, like stress, anxiety, lack of focus, depression, and anger can be treated with sound therapy as well.

Fluoride Detox: Cleanse Your Body of this Nasty Toxin!

Have you heard the controversy about fluoride and the negative effects it has on your body? Perhaps you’ve wondered if those rumors are true, or if all the buzz on the matter is just a bunch of hogwash.

Well, we’re here to tell you . . . it IS true. Fluoride can have many negative effects on your body’s systems. So, now that your eyes have been opened it’s time to get that nasty toxin out of your system.  But how can it be removed from your bloodstream and body – safely and effectively?

Detoxifying with Boron, Iodine, and Pure Distilled Water

Boron is a worthy fluoride remover. Adding to your diet foods which are rich in boron, such as raisins, dates, dried apricots, red kidney beans, hazel nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds and peanut butter, will clean the fluoride out of your system. 

It’s also worth noting that Boron has anti-cancer properties.  It can wipe out fungus and decrease mycotoxins which are the true cause behind cancer, arthritis, candida and polycystic ovarian syndrome. 

Another option is iodine. It’s been clinically proven that iodine removes fluoride from your body by flushing out the system through urination.  Besides taking an iodine supplement, foods which are high in iodine include sea vegetables (like seaweed), cranberries, yogurt, navy beans, strawberries and dairy products.  Since cleansing your body is your goal, it’s always best to buy only the organic varieties when detoxing and thereafter. 

Eliminating fluoride with iodine diminishes the calcium in your body, so it is advised to take a highly absorbable calcium/magnesium supplement as well as lecithin (which can be found in egg yolk, milk, legumes, Atlantic cod, salmon, shrimp, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts). 

Increasing your iodine intake immediately cleanses your body of bromide, fluoride and many other metals, like mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum.

Dry Saunas

When combined with exercise, dry saunas release sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues by “sweating it out.” It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. In order to combat this, keep your pure distilled water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable calcium/magnesium supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this method for fluoride detoxification.

This method should be done on a regular schedule by first exercising vigorously for 30 minutes, followed by an hour of sauna time, a cold shower, and another hour of dry sauna time, for a period of two weeks. It’s important to keep in mind that the main goal of this process is to sweat out the toxins as much as possible.  Bananas are great to replenish your potassium and avoid eating acidic foods if trying this method of detox. Flood your system with distilled water to compensate for the water loss through perspiration. Salt tablets are helpful to replenish the salt loss.

Avoiding Fluoride

Now that you know how to get fluoride out of your system, how can you keep it out? 

Well, first of all, distilled water is the only water which is completely pure and should be the only type of water ingested to keep the fluoride out of your system – whether you’re using the water for cooking or drinking.

Reverse osmosis is another option.  It is the only known water-filtration system that can remove fluoride from the water supply in your home.  Staying on a strictly organic, non-GMO diet is equally important.  Certain foods, like iceberg lettuce, potatoes, citrus fruits and raisins, can contain high amounts of fluoride, and it’s best to avoid them or stick to the organic, non-GMO versions.

Maybe you didn’t have control over the fluoride entering your system or were led to believe that it was actually healthy for you.  Now it’s your choice to cleanse your body and say “adios” to fluoride for good!

By Kristen Lee Curtis

Originally published at

Monday, July 2, 2012

Toxic Children: Do Environmental Poisons Contribute to Autism?

It’s the long-unanswered question, almost an enigma: what causes autism? Experts suggest autism may stem from such things as genetics, infections, complications at birth, and even vaccines. But could environmental toxins also play a part? We may soon know the answer to that very question as research is finally exploring a possible link between mental health issues and environmental exposures.

What Are Environmental Toxins?

Environmental toxins are pollutants that we breathe, ingest, or come in contact with on a regular, day-to-day basis.  A staggering number of chemicals, ranging in the tens of thousands, have been introduced into the environment over the last 50 years.  What is frightening is that the majority of these toxins had never been tested to see if health problems surface as a result of exposure.

One possible problem? Developmental and learning disabilities. In fact, it has been determined that one out of six children suffers from developmental and learning disabilities and/or chronic diseases. If environmental toxins play a part in this, our children are being affected significantly. Infants, children, and young adults are much more at risk than adults because their bodies are constantly changing and growing.  Their vital organs, like their brain, nervous system, lungs, and reproductive organs are growing at such a fast rate, making them easily susceptible to toxic interference.  With their under-developed lungs and kidneys, children’s bodies cannot detox these poisons as efficiently as adults.

It’s not just direct exposure that poses a problem either. A pregnant woman breathing in exhaust fumes exposes her unborn child to that particular environmental poison.

And of course, one must account for the “curious” nature of children. Toddlers and children put everything in their mouths, not just food.  Even with the most cautious moms on the case, kids can end up eating a ton of non-food items, like dirt and paint, which only increases their intake of these toxins.  What’s more? Diesel fumes from school buses have been proven to cause cancer, particularly lung cancer.

Fortunately, what is beginning to be examined is how environmental toxins actually impact a child’s health, and more importantly, to what extent. Some mental and physical health issues may include:
  • ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Birth defects
  • Cancer
  • Dysfunctional immune system
  • Early puberty in girls
  • Learning disabilities
  • Neurological impairments
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Sexual maturity and fertility problems
  • Sperm count declination

Which Environmental Toxins are in Question?

Bisphenol A (BPA): Bisphenol A can affect reproductive and neurological systems as it mimics estrogen.  In pregnant women, it collects around the fetus, or more specifically, the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid.  It’s been recognized to cause behavioral issues in toddler-age girls and can alter prostate size and decrease sperm count in boys. BPA can be found in items like plastic bottles (including baby bottles), in the lining of cans, pacifiers, and even in the dental sealant for cavity prevention.

Brominated Flame Retardants: Because of its proven harmfulness as a hormone disrupter and its link to thyroid problems, some companies are discontinuing the use of brominated flame retardants.  Bans on two particular flame retardants are now in effect in Europe and a few different states in the United States. Bedding, children’s pajamas, upholstered furniture, car seats, and strollers all contain flame retardants.  It’s also been found in household dust and even breast milk.

Lead: Exposure to lead can affect a child’s developing brain, as well as cause headaches, stomach pain, anemia, and behavioral issues.  Gas fumes, exhaust, soil (due to its exposure to exhaust and rust), pewter dinnerware, and certain hobbies that use soldering (stained glass, jewelry making, pottery glazing) are examples of things that could contribute to lead exposure.

Mercury: Commonly found in the fish we eat, exposure to mercury can tamper with children’s language abilities, concentration, and memory, as well as interfere with their visual, spatial, and fine motor skills.  Recently in Texas a study revealed autism in greater numbers due to an elevated intensity of mercury in the environment.

Perfluorinated Compounds: Perfluorinated compounds are fluorine-containing chemicals that can make things stain- and stick-resistant, like Teflon-coated pots and pans, fabric treatments, grease-resistant food packaging, and even certain brands of dental floss.  In testing on laboratory mice and rats, it causes pancreatic, liver, testicular, and mammary gland tumors.  Liver and thyroid cancer, liver and kidney damage, and reproductive problems are prevalent as well.

Pesticides (Organochlorine and Organophosphate): Lindane, a specific organochlorine, was a prescription for removing head lice.  It was known for symptoms of dizziness, headaches, and convulsions.  As recently as 2003, most organochlorines have been discontinued in the United States.  Organophospate pesticides are connected with hormonal disruption and numerous kinds of cancer.  More than a half of samples of baby foods in the United States contained detectable levels of pesticides.  One out of five baby food jars inspected included at least two pesticides.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH): PAHs result from incomplete burning of carbon material like oil, wood, garbage, and coal.  Mothballs, blacktop, certain skin creams, anti-dandruff shampoos, and charcoal-broiled foods are some examples of products that contain PAHs.  Lung and skin cancer are health hazards from PAH exposure, as well as reproductive problems with a baby in utero. The lungs, liver, skin, and kidney can also suffer damage.  Anxiety and behavioral problems are health concerns with children who are exposed to this byproduct of incomplete combustion.

What Can You Do?
  • Opt for natural cleaning solutions instead of using chemical-laden cleaning products, or go “green” with the earth-friendly products now available.   
  • By pouring boiling water on the roots of weeds in the garden, you can kill those nasty buggers instead of using harmful chemical killers.  
  • Hairspray can kill many pesky insects that invade your space in the house.
  • Keep a “cheat sheet” of toxins and read labels when shopping for household goods, toys, and clothing.  
  • Replace your Teflon-coated cookware with stainless steel or ceramic pots and pans.   
  • When purchasing furniture, say NO to the fabric protection package.  
  • Look for televisions, computers, etc. which do not contain brominated flame retardants.  
  • Dispose of painted toys (lead) and plastic toys (BPA).  Select wooden toys instead.
  • Keep your home as dust-free as possible.  Choose hardwood floors as opposed to carpeting to reduce the dust and chemicals that reside in it.
  • When buying your groceries, choose organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables when possible to avoid pesticides.  Consider limiting your meat intake since most animals are injected with hormones to fatten up or produce more milk.  Avoid processed foods, like fast food, frozen food, and canned or boxed food.
  • Make sure everyone in your household washes their hands frequently, especially before eating.
  • Drink and cook with distilled water.  It’s water in its purest form.  If using tap water, let tap run for a minute to wash away any build-up in the faucet.
  • Don’t use lead crystal for serving food and drinks.
  • Check with your child-care facilities or school to find out if they’re using environmentally friendly cleaning agents and pesticides.

It may sound laborious at first, but it’s really not. In fact, with just a little extra consciousness, and a tiny bit of work, you can provide a much safer environment for you and your family.

By:  Kristen Lee Curtis

Originally published at

Cited Sources:

Browning, Dominique. "Top 10 Toxins Suspected of Causing Autism." Care2. 2 May 2012. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

"Health Guide." Lead Poisoning. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.

Orzech, Dan. "Chemical Kids - Environmental Toxins and Child Development." Chemical Kids - Environmental Toxins and Child Development. Social Work Today, Mar. 2007. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.

Martin, Dr. Sharyn. "ASEHA Qld." ASEHA QLD. ASEHA Qld Inc., 20 Oct. 2009. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.Tuesday, 20 October 2009

"Pollution Issues." Endocrine Disruption. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.

"KidsHealth." Lead Poisoning. Nemours. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.

"Pollution In People." Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs). Web. 16 May 2012. <>.